Every now and then I do a post about fashion on the farm. Whether it be the latest blue jeans I have fallen in love with or a new coat sent to me by Carhartt to try out. Today I am feeling so girly because I was sent the new (and talked about all the time it seems) lipstick that everyone seems to be falling in love with. I totally am the first to admit I don't like "direct sales" type of things. ... Read More about Fashion On The Farm

Farm Life Outfitters
Any title of any clothing store that includes Farm Life has to be checked out. I am so happy that the owner, Michelle, reached out to me to do a review and a give away on my blog. This post was a long time coming, but with three little ones of her own she was very understanding that sometimes life just zooms right by. The first thing I did was check out Michelle's blog, Simplicity Speaking. ... Read More about Farm Life Outfitters

Gardening For Your Family
When I found myself living on a farm I found myself insisting on a garden, a big one. That first year was rough. We chose a great spot, but the grass had been growing there for quite some time. So I am sure you can imagine how much grass kept attempting to come through my garden- enough for me go through bottles and bottles of Round Up. And my back hurt from all that kneeling and pulling. Every ... Read More about Gardening For Your Family

Feature Friday: Hy-veeDeals.com
It's safe to say that everyone is looking for a good deal. Especially when it comes to shopping at the grocery store. Or at least I love looking through the ads when they come to my mail box, with a really big hope of planning out the perfect grocery store trip. With a perfectly organized shopping list and cart and a quiet child. I have really big dreams I know. About every three to four months ... Read More about Feature Friday: Hy-veeDeals.com

Feeding Beef Cattle
Is something my husband has done for as long as he can remember. Me, on the other hand, I have been doing it for much less time. When you think of all that goes into taking care of just one simple dog can you imagine multiplying that by a thousand. And taking care of any animal requires many things- food, shelter, vet visits, attention. As livestock farmers we make decisions every day for the ... Read More about Feeding Beef Cattle