Or really just a giant muddy mess in our backyard. Last summer we started the process of building a deep pit beef barn to feed cattle in. Basically, a building with a 12 foot concrete hole under it to contain manure for the cattle that we were going to raise in the building. The process was pretty amazing and exciting and overwhelming all at the same time. Elliette went from thinking ... Read More about That One Time We Almost Had A Swimming Pool

Mommy Mondays: A Book Review and a Give Away!
One thing that Elliette is really into right now is reading. Especially when she is trying to get out of going to bed right away. She wants you to read about a billion books to her! It's hard for me to ever say no to books when she asks me to buy a new one and I am the queen of finding amazing deals and stocking up for birthdays, holidays, or gifts. When I purchase books I tend to look for a ... Read More about Mommy Mondays: A Book Review and a Give Away!

Mommy Mondays: Growing and Making Your Own Baby Food
Is one of the easiest things you will ever do. I would never say I am a "crunchy" mom. But, I do cloth diaper, I use an amber teething necklace, I make my own baby food, and I am definitely not a helicopter mom on the playground. I let Elliette fall down and I encourage her to make decisions for herself. One thing I will say say is that no matter what choices you make for your child, make ... Read More about Mommy Mondays: Growing and Making Your Own Baby Food

Happy End Of January
Below is our New Year's card. It was supposed to be a Christmas card, but I mean...who sends out Christmas cards anymore?! Or maybe that is just my excuse for not being on top of it and getting it sent out in time. Anyway, our babysitter took this photo and it was too cute not to put on our card. It pretty much sums up our two kiddos right now. A very happy, easy going Elijah. And Elliette, who ... Read More about Happy End Of January

White Chicken Chili Burritos
It's already a busy new year for me. I seem like I have hit the ground running this month and will be traveling more this month that staying home! The good news about that is I have a really great conference coming up. And my first, very first, week long vacation without the kids. In Mexico! I am super excited, but also super nervous to leave the kiddos, and my farmer! In the next couple of ... Read More about White Chicken Chili Burritos