Things are about to get really busy around here. This Fall we will have a Preschooler, and I realized just what that means this last week with Vacation Bible School.
It really hit me on Day 2 that here in a few months I would be burning the pavement between here and town taking Elliette to school. I feel like it was just a few weeks ago I was pregnant (Well, I kinda was…) with her and we were talking about where she would go to school if we would enroll her in dance or piano or baseball.
I also caught a teeny tiny glimpse of what my girl would most likely be like when it comes to adjusting to her new schedule.
We were on the last day of VBS and I was braiding her hair. She was telling me how she didn’t want to go and wanted to stay home (which she did every day this week, until we got to church and then she was super excited!) and then next thing I know I heard a little snore and I glanced down to her snoozing in my lap. All that learning can wear a girl out!
She just turned three and I already feel like we have had so many memorable moments in our lives, and every one of them include her.
Her first night out of the NICU and getting to cuddle with Mom and Dad cord free….
Her sitting in her carseat while we tarped corn silage piles…
Riding in the grain cart tractor with me in the Fall…
And now a big sister…
Our world changed for the better the day she was born and I have spent many, many months adjusting to carting her around with me on the farm, and now she is headed into the world to do her own thing!
I will have to remember not to blink this time around with Elijah…
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